Parents » Emerson Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Emerson Parent and Family Engagement Policy

School-Level Parental and Family Engagement Policy 2022-2023

Emerson Community Charter

Title I School-Level Parental Involvement Policy


Emerson Community Charter School, a school wide Title I school has jointly developed with and distributed to parents of participating students the following written Title I parental involvement policy.  The policy has been agreed on by parents of Title I students and describes the means for carrying out designated Title I parental involvement requirements.

(20 USC 6318 Section 1118: (a)-(f) inclusive).


Policy Involvement

Emerson Community Charter School Carries out the following legal and discretionary requirements in the manner described below:


  1. Convene an annual meeting to inform parents of participating students of the requirements of Title I and their rights to be involved (20 USC 6318(c) (1))
  •  Notify parents in writing (English and Spanish) of annual school wide Title I Meeting
  • Hold annual school wide Title I Meeting, with translation provided in Spanish
  • Topics of discussion/agenda: NCLB, Title I purpose, Funds, AYP, SPSA, Teacher Qualifications, Parents Right to Know, Parental Involvement and Explanation of Emerson’s API/AYP/CST data


  1. Offer a flexible number of meetings for school councils, programs, committees (20 USC 6318 (c) (2))
  • The following governing councils, committees and associations offer opportunities for parents to participate in decision making, discuss school policy and work to develop Emerson Community Charter School’s programs: ELAC, SSC, Charter Board, and PACE (Partnership in Academics and Community at Emerson).  The SSC and ELAC meet a minimum of 6 times throughout the school year.  The number of committees and councils may change as determined by LAUSD.
  • Other various groups or departments hold meetings as well, such as the Emerson Sports Academy, Arts and Media Academy, Science Technology and Media Academy, EL Master Plan Program Option Meetings, MESA, and GATE/SAS monthly.
  • The Principal holds small group meetings for current and prospective parents montly, He also hosts family tours of the school.
  • Meeting times and days are based upon parent request. Meetings and are held in the morning, during the school day, after school , in the evening, and on the weekends. Refreshments are included.  There is no funding for supervising young children, however children who are supervised by their parents, or able to entertain themselves, are welcome.
  1. Involve parents of participating students in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning review, and improvement of its Title I programs and Title I parental involvement policy* (20 USC 6318 (c) (3))
  • ELAC and SSC meet a minimum of six times during othe school year (per LAUSD requirements) to discuss, plan, and review the school wide Title I programs and parent involvement.  The committee and council discuss and evaluate data to create the Single Plan for Student Achievement. The committee/group develop budgets to support the plan, oversee the implementation of the plan and evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and the use of categorical funds to support its goals.  ELAC ad SSC also advise school staff regarding improving student attendance and developing the school-parent-compact.
  • Additional information is shared through the school marquee, US mail, report cards, flyers sent home with students, school wide phone calls, school website, and newsletters.  A concerted effort is made for redundancy in school-home contact.


  1. Provide parents of participating students with timely information about Title I programs (20 USC 6318 (c) (4) (A))
  • Notification of Title I meetings are put in writing  (English and Spanish) in the form of a flyer and sent home via students, phone messages/notifications are made home (English and Spanish), posted on the marquee at the front of the school, posted on the website, and posted in the main office, parent center, and the front of school.  Meetings were also noted in the school newsletter. 
  • Meetings announcements and agendas are distributed and posted in English and Spanish.
  • Emerson holds one parent conference night each semester.  Additional parent-teacher conferences are held at the request of teachers and parents throughout the year.  Other school academic, extracurricular, and volunteer events such a Back-to-School Night, Open House, Awards Assemblies, and other events are also held throughout the year at different times on different days.
  • All teachers are accessible to parents through email via the Emerson website and all teachers have access to Blackboard Connect for additional home-school contact.  Parents may also request in-person conferences via the front office.


  1. Provide parents of participating students with an explanation of the curriculum, academic assessments, Common Core State Standards, and proficiency levels students are expected to meet (20 USC 6318 (c) (4) (B))
  • The information is provided at Emerson’s Annual Title I Meeting, Back-to- School Nights, Open House, and during parent teacher conferences. 
  • At their meetings, ELAC and SSC discuss curriculum, CCSS, academic assessments, expected proficiency levels, along with strategies to help struggling students, and school data.
  • All students are given a Binder Reminder to be used throughout the day to facilitate home and school communication regarding class assignments, deadlines, and activities.


  1. Provide parents of participating students, if requested, with opportunities for regular meetings to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children (20 USC 6318 (c) (4) C} (all communication is translated into Spanish)
  • Emerson offers translatation to its parents through use of the LAUSD Translation Unit and or through use of school staff.
  • Languages/ Translations offered/ communicated to Emerson parents have been in Spanish, Korean, Farsi, Chinese and Korean. (20 USC 6318 (c) (3))


School-Parent-Student Compact:

Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement

Emerson Community Charter School has jointly developed with and distributed to parents of participating students a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the Common Core State Standards.  The compact describes the following items in addition to items added by parents of Title I students. A copy of the compact is attached to this policy.


  1. The school’s responsibility is to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction (20 USC 6318 (d) (1))
  2. The parent’s responsibility to support their children’s learning (20 USC 63198 (d) (1) )
  3. The importance of ongoing communication between parents and teachers through, at a minimum, annual conferences, reports on student prograss, access to staff, and opportunities to volunteer and participate in and observe the educational program (20 USC 6318 (d) (2))


Building Capacity for Involvement

To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among Emerson Community Charter, parents, and the community to improve students academic achievement, Emerson Community Charter carries out the following legal and discretionary requirements in the manner described below:


  1. Assist parents in understanding academic content and achievement standards and assessments on how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children. (20 USC 6318 (e) (1))


  • The assistance is provided during the school wide Title I meeting , parent –teacher conferences, Back-to-School Night, Open House, and the EL parent meetings. 
  • Parent trainings and workshops are offered through the Emerson Parent Center, ESC West Conferences, trainings, meetings and events held through LAUSD.
  • Pertinent information from the District level down to school site is disseminated by local parent/community representatives in school based councils and committees through meetings.
  • The school website will continue to expand the parent section to offer strategies, tips, resources, and links to educational support.
  • The Principal meets monthly to provide opportunities for current and prospective parents for discussion of school issues.


  1. Provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s achievement.  (20 USC 6318 (e) (2))
  • Material and training will be disseminated through our parent center, discussed at parent-teacher conferences as well as during parent-counselor meetings.
  • Emerson publicizes academic partnerships such as with UCLA, USC, MESA, Cal Tech, and offers opportunities for parent observation and volunteering.


  1. Educate staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value of parent contributions and how to work with parents as equal partners. (20 USC 6318 (e) (3))
  • Actively recruit parent volunteers to provide assistance in classrooms, supervision for events and field trips
  • Include parents in creating a College Ready atmosphere by recruiting and having parent led classroom discussions on careers and colleges.
  • Encourage teachers to attend parent led activities and events.
  • Run joint parent and teacher professional developments.


  1. Coordinate and integrate parental involvement wit other programs and conduct activities that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.  (20 USC 6318 (e) (4))
  • Parent/community parity of Charter Board, SBM, SSC and ELAC
  • Bilingual Parent /Community representative provides information on school policies, answers general questions, and acts as liaison for families. 
  • Continue to encourage parent leadership for school activities such as family events and tours.
  • Support intervention and supplemental services provided by partnerships such as Beyond the Bell Youth Services, Prime Time, UCLA Bruin Corp and TIE-INS.


  1. 5. Distribute information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities to the parents of participating students in ta format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents understand (20 USC 6318 (e) (5))
  • Written and verbal communications offered in English and Spanish.
  • ConnecEd phone messages to inform parents of all school meetings and events. 
  • Distribute information through Back-to-School Night, Parent Teachear Conferences, Open House, PACE meetings, SSC, Charter Board, ELAC and GATE/SAS meetings.
  • Parent bulletin board in Parent Center to notify parents of upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, trainings, and important dates.
  • Title I School-Student Compact with description of stakeholder responsibilities
  • Binder Reminders for all students and teachers.
  • Website posting for news, calendar, flyers, operational and contact information, instruction, and individual teacher/class requirements.


  1. Provide support for parental involvement activities requested by parents. (20 USC 6318 (e) (14))
  • Refreshments and children welcome during meetings and trainings to the extent practicable.
  • Registration fees for pre-approved parent conferences
  • Offering trainings at feeder schools and other community meeting




Emerson Community Charter, to the extent practible, provides full opportunities for participation of all Title I parents, including parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of mirgratory students.  Information and school reports are providd in a format and language that parents understand (20 USC 6318 (b) (1) (2) (3) (c))


The School Parental Involvement Policy was adopted by Emerson Community Charter on December 6th, 2022 and will be in effect for two years.  During the two year period, ELAC and SSC will monitor effectiveness of the policy and asses whether revisions are necessary.  This policy will be distributed to parents of all studetns during the start of the school year in an understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practicable, in a language parents can understand.  The policy will also be included on the school’s website.